Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gamebytes: Mario Strikers Charged for the Nintendo Wii

Gamebytes: Mario Strikers Charged for the Nintendo Wii
by Jeremy HohmanFriday, August 17, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
Mario’s back in action and taking full charge on the Nintendo Wii. Have you ever wonder what soccer would be like if you were a Nintendo character? Well now you get your chance with Mario Strikers Charged.This new addition takes soccer to a whole new level with crazy playing fields and some off the wall power moves. Each game has two five player teams that play on fields half the size of a traditional soccer field. With all the different variables that make up the game you will see soccer from a very different perspective. For instance each character has there own special abilities that allows you to confuse or completely dominate the competition. One example is Mario can grow a hundred times his size and rampage the pitch while Wario sprays off a mist and disorients players on the other team. You will have a choice to pick your captians which include Mario, Luigi, Wario, Donkey Kong, etc. Each character that you select has different fake out moves and abilities, so get used to your character and see which one suites you best. You can also perform Mega Strikes which allow your character to jump in the air, perform a massive kick, and send the ball at the goalie at warp speeds. The opposing player must stop the strike or risk multiple goals. The controls of the game are not that difficult to learn, but they do take some practice. Once you get the hang of it you’ll be hitting Mega Strikes no problem and terrorizing the apposing team. And don’t forget to check out Strikers 101 mode which includes 10 lessons that teach you the basics such as using power ups and completing Mega Strikes.I give Mario Strikers Charged a certified A+

Jeremy Hohman is the writer, producer and host of GameBytes a 30 minute weekly game news and review show. Jeremy is currently traveling across the U.S. hosting gaming competitions for GameZnFlix at the Midnight Gaming Championship 2007.To see where Jeremy will be next, and to play the games that were reviewed, simply go to